Effective AV Solutions for Distance Learning


Higher Education institutes have been challenged to offer distance learning options to minimize classroom density and enforce social distancing. Distance learning labs are already a fixture in education and business, and that’s probably not going to change anytime soon. If your higher education organization is ready to upgrade audio visual, collaboration technology, online learning solutions to deliver virtual classes, or host interactive on-site sessions, our higher education team is here to help.

Common distance learning lab setups and A/V components include: 

1. Lecture-style Setup

Most familiar to students and teachers, with students seated in rows on one side, and a set of digital displays on the opposite wall.

  • High resolution digital displays

  • Video conferencing codec

  • 360-degree camera 

  • Microphones and speakers

2. U-style Setup

The U-style approach is designed to get students closer to the instructor. U-style setup does a good job of keeping the distance between the instructor and every student roughly equal, so it’s easier to control video and audio quality for everyone.

  • Interactive displays can be used to confirm knowledge, introduce visual aids and facilitate collaborative exercises between students

3. Pod Setup

A pod setup breaks students into smaller groups that each have access to a display with video conferencing capabilities. Smaller groups mean more participation, and that helps with retaining information.

  • Digital displays

  • Video conferencing codec

  • Interactive displays  

Contact our commercial sales team to learn more about distance learning labs here.