Collaboration Technology


Boost Performance.

Collaborative technologies are a combination of powerful online collaboration tools that make it possible for real time communication and collaboration between teams regardless of where they may be.

 Digital Signage


Communicate Effectively.

Digital signage can be an excellent way for you to display messages to your customers or entertain them in waiting areas. It can also be used as a medium for internal communications with your team.

Your digital signage can be updated quickly at any time, and you’re in complete control.

In today’s digital environment, most businesses are moving to digital signage to display their message—and to show that they are in tune with the times.

Video Walls

Entertain Guests.

A video wall is an array of high-quality professional grade monitor panels placed tightly together to form one larger screen. Many times, depending on lighting conditions, they can be a superior alternative to a large projector.

Video walls are most notable because of their considerable size and ultra-thin bezels which help give the impression that the video wall is one massive display.

Our video walls are commercial grade which means they can be operated in your work environment for up to 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and have longer life spans than traditional consumer displays.

Video Conferencing


Connect Remotely.

Efficiently communicate with employees and clients anywhere in the world, with a strong telecommunications system, You can eliminate lagging and receive immediate feedback during meetings. All video conferencing equipment is optimized so that you can speed up meetings and make decisions faster. With companies increasingly moving to ‘virtual meetings’ it’s important that you have the right video conferencing infrastructure in your workplace. .

Sound Masking


Increase Productivity.

Sound masking also known as “White Noise” is the only acoustical treatment that addresses all sound paths. The acoustical effect of walls, carpets and ceilings are static; sound masking can be tuned and adjusted as needed. Adding sound masking to an open office space is the acoustical equivalent of tripling the distance between workers. Sound masking systems reduce conversational distractions while increasing worker concentration, productivity, accuracy and satisfaction.

Lighting Control


Enhance Efficiency.

As a business owner, keeping expenses in line is one of the toughest parts of the job. One way to reduce monthly costs is to implement a more energy-efficient lighting control system. A controlled lighting system allows you to manually or automatically control the number of lights turned on at any given point and the intensity of the light. 

 Shading Systems


 Utilize Daylight.

Sunlight invigorates the workplace, but can also decrease productivity with glare and over-heating spaces. Regulate daylight in commercial spaces with a shading solution designed to optimize comfort and lower energy costs. Systems can also be automated and integrated with other controls for additional savings and comfort.