Now you see it, now you don’t.

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Finally—the ability to watch a TV that is not watching you. Today’s home owners have the option of installing flat panel televisions that literally disappear into the home décor like a chameleon in tall grass.

Gone are the boxy trapezoids, dangling wires and dusty screens. Instead you can enjoy a beautiful, high-quality flat panel display that’s there for your streaming videos, news breaks and sporting events—then melts into the background when turned off. 

One of our favorites is The Frame flat panel television from Samsung. It displays a beautiful work of art when it’s not being used as a TV. The Frame includes a gallery of professionally selected art—100 pieces from 10 genres! And you can add your own favorites and create your own collection. 

It all comes without sacrifice or compromise. This new technology includes 4K HDR Pro, which gives you four times more pixels than Full HD, and great audio.  

So now you can enjoy high-quality video entertainment in every room, including those you used to think were too small or too formal, or where a TV “just didn’t fit.” It’s also a perfect solution for small offices, business conference rooms, break rooms and lobbies.

Call us today and ask about the disappearing televisions.
